The Power to Make a Difference For All Children on purpose.
We’ve partnered with Jack and Jill of America, Inc. Rochester, New York Chapter to make a difference.
Drink Coffee. Make a Difference.
Jack and Jill of America, Inc. was founded in 1938 by twenty African American mothers. Jack and Jill now boasts 252 chapters nationwide, representing more than 40,000 family members. Each chapter plans annual programming activities guided under a general five-point programmatic thrust: cultural awareness, educational development, health, civic, and social/recreational areas.
The Rochester chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc., chartered in 1962 continues to serve as a living embodiment of the mission and purpose of the organization. The chapter serves their community, families and most importantly continues to love, lead and encourage their children to be excellent scholars and leaders.
The Rochester chapter is honored to partner with Bold and Gritty coffee for their fundraiser, with the option of purchasing a one-time coffee bag or a yearly subscription (one bag per month).
A portion of proceeds will support the Rochester chapter’s scholarship program and the Jack and Jill of America, Inc. Foundation

Bold & Gritty has this crazy idea that by honoring Black people’s contributions to the history of coffee and using it as a vehicle to tell inspiring stories from our neighborhoods – that we can liberate a group of people and inspire them to be the change they want to see in the world. From creators to doctors, we are fueling a Bold and Gritty Revolution - curating stories that elevate the culture.