The 7 Types of Rest You Need to Actually Feel Recharged

Deficiency in any one of these types of rest can have unfavorable effects on your health, happiness, relationships, creativity, and productivity.


Do you ever feel like you aren’t getting enough rest? You aren’t alone!

Fortunately, we’ve broken down the components of rest into seven different categories as described by Dr. Dalton-Smith with some tips on how you can maximize your ability to recharge.

The Seven Categories of Rest:

  • Mental

  • Spiritual

  • Physical

  • Creative

  • Sensory

  • Social

  • Emotional

Rest is more than just sleep. It is something that is sacred, valuable, and worthy of our respect. A deficiency in any one of these types of rest can have unfavorable effects on your health, happiness, relationships, creativity, and productivity. With some practice, you can master the art of rest - a crucial element for the Bold and Gritty individual.

“If you're waking up (after sleeping) and still exhausted, the issue probably isn’t sleep. It’s likely a rest deficit."
- Saundra Dalton-Smith, M.D.


According to physician Saundra Dalton-Smith, M.D., author of Sacred Rest: Recover Your Life, Renew Your Energy, Renew Your Sanity, humans need physical, mental, social, creative, emotional, spiritual, and sensory rest.

  1. Physical Rest

    Physical rest ensures the body can recharge by allowing it to slow down & repair.

    Ex. Earlier bedtime, naps, restful lunch breaks.

  2. Mental Rest

    We need to recharge our minds when it’s too hard to concentrate and our observations are hypercritical or judgmental.

    Ex. Turn off devices, utilize words of affirmation, listen to peaceful music.

  3. Social Rest

    Social rest involves restoring ourselves through connecting with our tribe and mentors.

    Ex. Time with friends that affirm us, reconnecting with self.

  4. Creative Rest

    Breaks from creativity are important so we can re-energize resources and gain inspiration.

    Ex. Read a good book. go for a nature walk, look at art.

  5. Emotional Rest

    Offload emotional baggage and share vulnerability with a trustworthy listener.

    Ex. Friends, therapist, accountability group.

  6. Spiritual Rest

    Spiritual rest allows us to feel anchored to our sense of purpose.

    Ex. Reading scriptures, volunteering, meditation.

  7. Sensory Rest

    Restrain from sensory overload by turning off devices and reconnecting with yourself.

    Ex. Turning off devices, journaling, fresh air

Journaling is a great way to disconnect from social media and RECONNECT WITH YOURSELF!

Next time you need to recharge, learn to recognize what area of your life needs the most attention. A well-balanced approach to rest will ensure that you are prepared for whatever journey lies ahead - fully energized and filled with passion.


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